All we can tell you as we go to press with our August Grapevine is that Liverpool City Council will be holding a Public Consultation on the City Centre (but what aspect exactly we don’t yet know). All we know is that the Council will release details on 5th August 2024 when you will be able to find the link to use to engage with the consultation process.

We have tried to find out as much information as possible to get to you before our deadline for publication, but with little success.  The survey will be live during August. It does seem to us that given the efforts to find out what it is about so we can involve as many residents as possible, and not having anything to tell you, one wonders why a Public Consultation is taking place at all during August when many are away on holiday. And if it has to be during August why can’t we find out anything about it before August actually starts!

Engage will always try and give our residents as much notice as possible before any events we organise ourselves.