Seminar One in this year’s Seminar Series looks at the theme of cycling and walking as we hear residents complaining that the infrastructure for cycling just isn’t good enough and cyclists feel unsafe on the roads. Pedestrians want to see that walking has a higher priority than cars and that this is reflected in the design of our streets.

SEMINAR ONE: Cycling/Walking – winning the argument

3rd October Thursday 5.30pm – 7.30pm Museum of Liverpool, Pier Head

Our main speaker is:

Klaus Bondham: CEO of Danish Cyclists’ Federation and former Mayor of Technical and Environmental Affairs in Copenhagen City Council Personal website

Our Liverpool City Region speaker is:

Deputy Portfolio Holder Transport & Air Quality: Cllr Nathalie Nicholas (Liverpool)

Local Panel activists invited:


LCR Cycle Report 03.19

Fantastic video from Sustrans whom we’ve invited to take part in the seminar:


The Echo 05.07.19 ‘£4m plan to create ‘green web’ across Liverpool for cyclists and walkers’

The Guardian 27.06.19 ‘Do I risk it?’ Your photos of the world’s best and worst cycling infrastructure.