Our friends at the Albert Dock are launching a fabulous festival entitled Heritage on the Dock from 7th-10th September and everyone is invited to take part. The vast range of fascinating and exciting events are unparalleled in the city and will cater for just about every interest.
The Heritage on the Dock programme is HERE
Engage has been asked to contribute and we were delighted to do so with some residents from the Colonnades and our event is called Through the Keyhole: Living in a Heritage Building. This event is held on Thursday 7th September at 7pm at the Tate. Booking is essential.
If you are a resident who lives in Wapping Quays, Tower Building or Waterloo Warehouse you might want to take part as a speaker and share your experiences of living in a Heritage Building and possibly invite a couple of the participants to visit your apartment following the talk. To take part contact chair@engageliverpool.com or text/call 07742 804243.
We hope you’ll enjoy the excellent video below: