CitizensLab is a European organisation that Engage has belonged to since it’s inauguration in 2016. It connects citizen initiatives across Europe that are committed to seeing change in our societies and cultures. Recently Gerry Proctor our Chair has been invited to become part of the Hosting Team.

Through CitizensLab Engage brought to Liverpool Prof Jekaterina Lavrinec who ran a Workshop on Urbingo Liverpool at the end of  August 2017. This was part of the Mobilities strategy of CitizensLab. Jekaterina came twice –  first in July to address the Annual Conference and later in August to run a 4-day workshop. You can find out more on our Project Page.

The most recent network meeting took place in April 2018 in Terni, Italy and the report can be accessed below:

  • 1st Network Meeting in Berlin, June 23-26 2016 : HERE
  • Steering Group meeting in Berlin, November 6-8 2016: HERE
  • 2nd Network Meeting in Brussels, March 8-11 2017: Report: HERE   Graphic recording: HERE
  • 3rd Network Meeting in Frankfurt(Oder)/Slubice, October 5-8 2017: HERE
  • 4th Network Meeting in Terni, April 12-15 2018: HERE

The group has communicated through Lumen HERE but is moving to Loomio HERE

CitizensLab website is HERE