Engage very much values keeping residents informed about serious weather conditions which might especially affect those who live along the Waterfront.
High astronomic tides (also known as “spring tides”) will be at their greatest over the next few months. This is because September 2015 is the point in a natural 19 year cycle when the sun, moon and earth align to exert the greatest force on the tides in the UK.
Over the course of the new few months notable high natural tides will occur along all parts of the UK coastline. The dates of particular note are:
- August 30th – 3rd September
- September 27th – 30th
- October 27th – 30th
- December 25th – 27th
- January 11th -14th
The increase in the size and number of high natural tides between now and January 2016 means that there is a small, but elevated, increase in risk of coastal flooding along the Waterfront. However, it’s the weather conditions that generate a tidal surge, or extreme waves on the west coast, that will continue to be the dominant factors influencing coastal flood risk. Basically there needs to be a high tide with prevailing strong winds in a certain direction for over topping to occur.
The Council will of course continue to monitor the weather forecasts and keep everyone informed – if necessary – of any significant developments ahead of each high tide event. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact:
Jamie Riley I Interim Team Leader EERU Liverpool City Council I Gerard Majella Court House I Boundary Street I Liverpool I L5 2QD T: 0151 233 8637 I M: 07894 258 116 I E: jamie.riley@liverpool.gov.uk: www.liverpool.gov.uk