No-one has done more to save and preserve the Piazza Fountain than Dr Richard Moore (pictured), along with other former students of the University of Liverpool School of Architecture, where the designer of the Grade II Listed sculpture Richard Huws was a member of staff. They are profoundly committed to the last remaining example of the work of this great Welsh engineer and designer of kinetic sculptures, which was commissioned by Merseyside Civic Society, designed in 1962 and opened in 1967.
The fountain has been standing out as a recognisable architectural statement in the city for over half a century. Here it is appearing in the music video for “The Family of Man” by Liverpool folk group, The Spinners:
This is an archive of the articles Engage has published to support local residents and the civic community of Liverpool who were behind attempts to save the fountain in its current location. Now there is a call for the Chief Executive and the politicians of the City Council to take the fountain and the plaza back into public ownership. It should never have been given away many say.