This year we are bringing 3 European Green Capital cities to Liverpool to share with us their experiences of delivering impressive environmental improvements to their cities as part of their commitment to a progressive sustainability agenda. Tallinn 2023, Valencia 2024 and Bristol 2015.

Liverpool City Council has recently appointed their first Sustainability Manager and we sincerely hope that this seminar series supports the work that he is committed to delivering. We want to bring to our city 3 cities with a proven track record of delivering environmental changes to such a significant level that they have been recognised with the highest and most prestigious award possible on our continent.

We have reached an agreement with Valencia, Spain, who are European Green Capital (EGC) this year 2024, and with Tallinn, Estonia, EGC 2023, and Bristol, UK, EGC 2015. We will also invite other significant stakeholders and activists, as well as politicians to be a part of each event. Please suggest to us those organisations that you think we ought to invite to take part in the seminars.

The dates of them are 3 Thursdays 10th and 24th October and 7th November2024.  Venues now confirmed are 3 of the most recent builds in the city that we hope have some serious sustainable credentials. They are Novotel Hotel in Paddington Vilage in the Knowledge Quarter, LJMU John Lennon Art & Design Building, and the Isle of Man Ferry Terminal at Central Docks on the waterfront.

