The Engage 2013 Seminar Series was entitled Liverpool Waters and dealt with the development of the Central Docks area in the ownership of Peel Holdings following the decision of the Government not to call the Planning Application in for review. This seminar series pioneered an innovative approach to reflections in the city by bringing an International, National and Local perspective to the series.

The international perspective came from Hafen City University in Hamburg, Germany with an amazing overview of European harbour city regeneration projects. National views came from the Architecture Critic of the Observer and the Head of Department at the Bartlett School of Planning at UCL London. The Local perspective came from PlanitIE who impressed with a profound insight into the scheme being put forward by Peel.

The series was a great success and managed over the six week period to significantly change many people’s attitudes towards the controversial proposals submitted by Peel to the local planning authority. Videos of each of the seminars are available to watch.

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